Other Technology

A new technology aims to revolutionize the way we build buildings: glass bricks

Architect Marco Vitruvius, back in the 1st century BC, stated that buildings and the materials used to construct them should ideally meet three requirements: durability, functionality, and beauty.

LinkedIn also falls in massive layoffs: will lay off 700 employees and shut down its application in China

We are approaching the halfway point of this year and the wave of massive layoffs among tech companies that began in 2022 doesn't seem to have ended. Almost every week, we hear news of well-known companies announcing staff cuts.

Goodbye to passwords: Google launches a system that will allow you to sign in faster and more securely

It's been some time since both Google and other companies declared war on passwords. They have already expressed disdain towards them, stating that they are outdated systems that store too much information for how fragile they are.

Europe will launch thousands of satellites to compete with Starlink

European space technology companies have joined forces to create a satellite constellation that directly competes with Starlink (which already has more than 3,500 satellites in orbit) and the Chinese initiative Guowang, which aims to launch another 13,000 into space.

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